Friday 24 April 2009

MONO-BLOGGY... Blogging is so dope!

i.e. Monopolosied blogging.

Three posts in less than 24 hours is more borderline obsession than anything else, but there you go! The curse of social sites misintepreted = I own this blog and all who read my rambings. Have you read all 3 then? :-) 
I belong to a (surprisingly) large class of intelligent humans who like to blog. Unsurprisingly, every individual in this 'niche' thinks they're special. And they are. All one hundred thousand trillion of us.

This isn't a new phenomenom if truth be told. Actually, the only thing phenomenal about it is just how unoriginal it all is. 
Fashion, the eccentric lot don't follow a trend. God forbid that they wear the same thing with all the other boring people. I should know. I try to be one of 'them'. Our Mantra >> The none-conformist follower! Our reasoning>>If I'm bright, wear mismatched, usually oversized clothing and ugly shoes, this should show just how individualistic I am. How so? Because all of London's underground who wear this uniform are all individuals in their own right. We all copy our ilk who've 'made it' in the fashion world [think those beautiful little harajuku ladies, Kanyezee, Aggy Dean] but ssshhhhh... we're not following any trends if noone knows our source.. We could have fooled ourselves too if the world hadn't caught on and made a trend of our 'none-trend'. Oops! Did I just let slip a public secret? No?

Enter the geeks. At the day's end, we need to be honest with ourselves. Every other gadget produced every other day is only 'that little bit' more advanced than its predecessor and one can just download the upgrade surely? But every new toy is the best in the industry and a revolution. *Yawn* Been there, I'll get the t-shirt when I've got the money okay?


Television. I heard D'banj, Nigerian's very own, was doing one of those kiss-the-jail-bird series...You know, the one where you keep the participants locked up for time hoping to guage traits that [if you ask me] are probably feigned and unrealistic/boring anyway... I heard this and cannot deny, I was pleasantly surprised. But it lead me to think, is anything we're doing BRAND NEW?? And are we ever going to find something totally brandnew to call Our Own. i.e. the 21st century was the age when this life altering so and so was discovered/invented. 

My generation and I aren't the only followers though we are the worst kind of repeat offenders. We follow every single thing. Photography, blogging, even this sudden desperation to seem 'learned' (more on this later). What happened to The Simple Life? And who went and started 'the following' without consulting the rest of us?
Anyway, I've christened my era, The Age Of the Following...

I'm on a learning curve. Hopefully I'll lead to lead by following.

I should sue this guy tho... "Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal." - Arthur Schopenhauer


Blogoratti said...

I'd christen mine as 'The Age Of acceptance'...
In other words,leaders breed followers, and 3 posts in less than 24hrs don't sound obsessive to me-and yeah i read them all*

Tiwa said...

No idea is original at all! I kinda touched on how we(I)cannot escape the whole trend following want to be original..but everythings already been tried.sigh. So I boldly put up my flag..yes I am follow-follow and so r u..but as I have learned you can always put your own stamp on a trend

I think dbanjs show is going to be interesting though...old concept but a whole new breed of the drama unfold